Short details

I am 29 years old weeb girl, who love cats, cooking, cosplaying, coding, create music and just enjoy life.

What I'm doing in free time?

Coding, playing games, creating and listening to music, improving my knowledge, watching anime and movies, reading manga and science books, cooking, adventuring, photographing, riding on the bike and cosplaying. I don't like doing the same things every day.

What games?

Mainly I'm playing in RPG, hack'n slash and adventure games, but I play in other genres too.

Do you play in gacha games?

No, I stopped playing in those games since december 2023.

What music?

All genres excluding Rap, Hip-Hop, Trap and similar genres, but mainly I'm listening to Trance, Rock, Ambient, J-Core and J-Pop.


I'm still trying to improve my Japanese everyday, reading science books (Currently I'm reading books about human brain and how neuron works).


Yes, I'm cosplaying, but I don't creating any content to my Social Media. For this moment I'm cosplaying just for me.

Where have you been?

I was in Poland, England, Japan, Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belgium and Finland. Also I live in one of described countries.

In which languages do you coding?

PHP, Python, Kotlin, C++, C# and JavaScript.